Friday, February 12, 2010

Heart-Shaped World

I like stickers.

I’m 30 years old and I like stickers.

But not just any stickers. Holiday stickers.

Valentine’s Day is upon us and I haven’t even thought about what to get my boyfriend…however, I made sure to buy an obscene amount of Valentine stickers. Not the cheesy cupid ones; I'm talking about the classic ones. The metallic hearts. The big ones AND the little ones. You KNOW which ones I’m talking about. The ones that Hallmark should sell year-round instead of only 6 weeks a year. The ones that would make anyone instantly happy if they received an envelope with one of said stickers affixed to it. Although none of my V-Day cards will make it to their destinations by the actual holiday due to the lame snowstorm that's engulfed half the country, most should be received by Monday, which should still be on-time since V-Day is on a Sunday this year, right?? Yes, I'm more than positive Monday counts.